July 21
Day of rest
1.5 hours spinning
I knew it was a day of rest - my interpretation - relax and spin - no photos, no posting.
I went with my co-workers kayaking yesterday afternoon and then to the local pub. I had a feeling I'd have a chance to spin - so I continued to work on my Golding spindle of llama fiber at the pub. Then I went home - did my library work :) and then watched an episode of *True Blood* to make my hubby happy. I continued to spin the milk, silk, bamboo.
Day 20
July 22
3.5 hours spinning
Challenge day!
So today was the day to spin my Natchwoolie natural color cotton on the great wheel. There were two issues with this challenge. First - it was really hot in that room and second it wasn't that challenging. Fibers were slipping beautifully.

So after about 10 minutes I decided to adapt my challenge. I moved down to the cool basement and spun the cotton on my Louet - doable but more challenging than the great wheel. I wasn't quite done with the fiber that I'm spinning on my high speed bobbin so I emptied one of my regular bobbins. Perhaps that would have been a better use of my time on a rest day - clear the bobbins! I attached the short fibers to my leader and laced up my flyer and I was off! New goal to spin as long as I could drafting with my left hand (like I would have with the great wheel) making a consistent yarn that will make a nice two ply. Even with all that time - my bobbin is only about 1/4 full.

But I'm happy with the yarn and I was able to watch 4 episodes of *Bones* while I spun.
Tomorrow I'm going to try to finish the milk, silk, bamboo and the Golding drop spindle. Then the rest of the tour is dedicated to plying!
To all of you still working on your challenge - you can do it!
Go Team Phat!
Hi Ladee Sunshine!
ReplyDeleteThe great wheel wasn't challenging!!!!! OMG!
I need help then! You and Tamara have inspired me to get spinning again and I have actually started spinning some alpaca on the Great Wheel. It IS challenging. Will you help me re-learn? First, I think that I am killing the baby bird and secondly, I would love to be good at spinning cotton.
Love, Leslie
I would be honored to help you! You are going to love cotton!
ReplyDeletePoor little birdy. lol!