Team Phat
July 5, Day 3
Time spinning 2.5 hours
Today is my Spiniversary! I had my first lesson from Jenny Bakriges on this day 7 years ago with my husband! Pretty sure that was the end of spinning for him - but I was another story.
So happy to be celebrating it with Team Phat! As part of my celebration I purchased some lovely cotton and some milk blend fibers from Natchwoolie! Spincerely was very helpful in hooking me up with a PhatFiber with cotton so I could spin it during the tour. I love cotton! I can’t wait to get it!
I like to use my feet to keep the spindle going - trick I picked up from Barbara Clorite-Ventura’s dvd Spindles around the World.
Here are the results of today’s spindle spinning over yesterday’s.
Then I started my quest to find my Spincerely dyed dehaired llama fibers. It was in about the 7th box I opened - so only about 1/2 hour lost to locating and weighing it. 2 lbs of luscious fibers.

Hmmm, I had lots of plans to blend this fiber with other things - I’m going to have to give this some thought about what I want to do with it.
I cleared my bobbins in preparation
In the meantime the green was calling to me and I have plenty so I just spun for about another 1.5 hours

Hope you all had a great day! Go Team Phat!
Ladee Sunshine
Ladee Sunshine
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