July 10, Day 8
Time spinning 3.25 hours
Holy Phat Fiber, Batman!
First off [Spincerely](/people/Spincerely) and I spun together while watching the Tour de France in her living room :) Where I did 15 minutes on my drop spindle. This is the first time I have ever seen Tour de France ever!
Then Spincerely gave me another early birthday present - more of her Spincerely Natural organic line! Yum! and she also gave me . . . .
My very first, very own Phat Fiber Box! Ok [Phatfiberlady](/people/PhatFiberlady) I'm hooked!
Then I went next door and spun for two hours while hanging out with my dad with the brand new fiber I just bought from Spincerely - 60% sw merino/30% bamboo/10% nylon. I bought the entire 1++ lbs if this "to be named" color way. I'm hoping to come up with a creative name for it to help her out. I figured if I bought it all, that would buy me some more time! I love that there are so many different ways to spin a space dyed roving - this time I decided it would be fun to use the method that [PhatFiberLady] (person) used in her day 1 video. I didn't strip down the little sections as much as I typically do a long draw and I get mesmerized watching the fibers fall into the drafting triangle - but it is a cool technique.
It will end up being a two ply yarn that I will likely weave with. Spincerely would really like to see it become a sweater but I don't thing that is likely.
Our dad came back with me to Spincerely's house where he watched me spin some more and Spincerely joined in when she wasn't preparing dinner. When I called to let him know I was back in my home state later that evening he made a point to tell me how much he enjoyed watching us spin together.
Finally, when I got back home I was ecstatic to find my purchase from Natchwoolie - Which was just as beautiful as I anticipated.
All but the bamboo mix will be remaining in it's packaging and untouched until my Thursday River Spinners guild meeting where I plan to show off all of it's fibery goodness and make everyone drool. The only problem with this is I will create more competition in getting future Phat Fiber boxes.
It was an excellent day on the Tour! Hope it was for you too!
Go Team Phat!
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