July 25
4.5 hours
Husband's birthday
End of Tour de Fleece/France
This morning I finished plying my Natchwoolie Blue Hawaii!

Then my husband let me know he wanted to go out so I so I grabbed my cotton and my takhli from last night and was off in the truck spinning on bumpy dirt roads and eventually we made it to smooth ground. He was fine that ever minute or so my hand was streched out in front of his face - but every now and then I changed hands so that I wasn't constantly blocking his view of the roads.
I didn't make too much progress - but I filled the spindle on the way there and then I prepared to Andean ply and walked around a few stores with a funny little cotton bracelet. I plied it on the way back which didn't take very much time at all. Then I got very sleepy and I fell asleep. I got home and I was still sleepy - and I took a three hour nap (might be why I'm awake right now!)

When I woke up I went to ply the orange Spincerely dyed llama and the balls were too big to fit under my terra cotta plying pots. So I decided I should fix my ball winder. Two seconds later I was taking my balls and making nice little flat center pull balls that fit perfectly under my pots.

I made a center pull ball for the green Spincerely dyed llama.
I plied the two singles of the orange yarn and ended up again with two very full bobbins.

Then I navajo plied the green yarn.

Then I navajo plied the [Spincerely](/people/Spincerely) BFL - yummmmm

All the yarn I officially wanted to ply for the competition is done. I've not had a chance to calculate the measurements yet but I suspect I'll be able to get to that tomorrow.
I'm thinking next year I will just have to ply as I go so I can post things to the finished projects regularly. Although technically I've not finished any projects since I've not yet washed the yarn.
It has been an honor to spin with you all! Go Team Phat!
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